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XML EBook 2
Alphonso SoftTech
Free EBook on XML.Topics covered:➲ AJAX➲ RDF - Resource Description Framework➲ Database and XML➲ XML - Managing Data Exchange➲ XMLHTTP➲ XHTML➲ XQL➲ XML Encryption➲ XForms➲ Web Services➲ Cocoon➲ XML and JDBC➲ Business Intelligence and XML➲ XPath➲ DTD➲ XSLT and Style Sheets➲ XQuery➲ XLinkand much more...You need Alphonso EBook Viewer to view this EBook. You will beprompted to download it for FREE when you open EBook. You can alsodownload it from Google Play at Blog: Catalog: Blog:
New Zealand History 2.0
Alphonso SoftTech
This is a concise ebook on New Zealandhistory, designed so it can be read by virtually anyone wanting tofind out more about New Zealand history.The ebook covers the time span of human settlement in NewZealand.It includes:➲ The discovery and colonisation of New Zealand byPolynesians.➲ Maori culture up to the year 1840.➲ Discovery of New Zealand by Europeans.➲ Early New Zealand economy and Missionaries in New Zealand.➲ The Treaty of Waitangi.➲ European colonisation, and conflict with the Maori people.➲ Colonial, Twentieth Century and Modern Government.➲ Important events in the twentieth century and recent times.Find out how events in New Zealand's humble beginnings haveshaped the way the country is in the present day.You need Alphonso EBook Viewer to view this EBook. You will beprompted to download it for FREE when you open EBook. You can alsodownload it from Google Play at Blog: Catalog: out for more Apps and EBooks:
Algorithms EBook 2
Alphonso SoftTech
Free EBook on Algorithms. This ebook aims to be an accessibleintroduction into the design and analysis of efficient algorithms.Throughout the ebook we will introduce only the most basictechniques and describe the rigorous mathematical methods needed toanalyze them. The topics covered include: ➲ The divide and conquertechnique. ➲ The use of randomization in algorithms. ➲ The general,but typically inefficient, backtracking technique. ➲ Dynamicprogramming as an efficient optimization for some backtrackingalgorithms. ➲ Greedy algorithms as an optimization of other kindsof backtracking algorithms. ➲ Hill-climbing techniques, includingnetwork flow. The goal of the ebook is to show you how you canmethodically apply different techniques to your own algorithms tomake them more efficient. While this book mostly highlights generaltechniques, some well-known algorithms are also looked at in depth.You need Alphonso EBook Viewer to view this EBook. You will beprompted to download it for FREE when you open EBook. You can alsodownload it from Google Play at VisitBlog: EBooks Catalog: EBook Blog:
Haskell Programming 2.0
Alphonso SoftTech
Free EBook on Haskell ProgrammingHaskell is a functional programming language. If you haveprogrammed before and would like to see a little bit of how Haskellworks and is different from other programming languages, you canget an overview in this ebook.Haskell is unique for two reasons. The first is that it ispurely functional. If you have a function and you call it twice intwo different places with the same arguments then it will returnexactly the same value both times. Secondly, Haskell provides avery modern type system which incorporates features liketypeclasses and generalized algebraic data types.So, why do Haskellers like the language then? Is it just becausewe like using things that are unique and modern? No, Haskellprogrammers enjoy their work because dealing with just purefunctions makes it so much easier to understand our programs andprove them correct. Moreover, having an advanced type system helpsus catch our mistakes, both the silly and profound ones.In this book we aim to introduce you both to the Haskelllanguage, from the very basics to its most advanced features, andto computer programming in general.You need Alphonso EBook Viewer to view this EBook. You will beprompted to download it for FREE when you open EBook. You can alsodownload it from Google Play at Blog: Catalog: Blog:
CSS EBook 2.0
Alphonso SoftTech
Free EBook on Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).CSS, or cascading style sheets, are used to describe the visualstyle and presentation of a document, most commonly web sites. Oneof the purposes of CSS is to separate the presentation of adocument from the structure and content (although it is possible toembed CSS within the structure as well), and is a W3Crecommendation. Separation of style from structure and contentincreases maintainability for the author(s) of a document as wellas accessibility for the audience. CSS is commonly applied to HTML,XHTML and XML documents, though it is possible, albeit rare, toapply it to other types of documents as well.CSS is one way of describing the "style" -- the colors, fonts,layout, and other "presentation" aspects of a document. A singleCSS file can describe a common "style" to be applied to many HTML,XHTML, and XML documents (which describe the content and structureof the elements of each document). Typically a particular elementin a XHTML file has a "cascade" of CSS style rules that can beapplied to it. The highest priority style rule is applied to eachelement.You need Alphonso EBook Viewer to view this EBook. You will beprompted to download it for FREE when you open EBook. You can alsodownload it from Google Play at Blog: Catalog:
First Aid Guide 2.0
Alphonso SoftTech
This ebook covers in depth all topics requiredfor a standard first aid course, and also includes a section onadvanced topics. The basics covered include:➲ Primary assessment and CPR➲ Legal aspects of first aid, including negligence andconsent➲ Circulatory emergencies, such as bleeding, heart attack andstroke➲ Respiratory emergencies, such as asthma and anaphylacticshock➲ Internal injuries, such as broken bones, chest injuries, andinternal bleeding➲ Burns, seizures and other medical conditionsIn the chapter on advanced topics, you'll find information aboutoxygen administration and airway management; AED operation andwilderness techniques; additional assessments and triage.You need Alphonso EBook Viewer to view this EBook. You will beprompted to download it for FREE when you open EBook. You can alsodownload it from Google Play at Blog: Catalog: Blog:
Cake Recipes 2
Alphonso SoftTech
Free EBook on Cake Recipes. Recipes included: ➲ 1-2-3-4 Cake Recipe➲ No Bake Chocolate Cake Recipe ➲ Black Forest Torte Recipe ➲ Lollycake Recipe ➲ Apple and Almond Cake Recipe ➲ Mocha Delight Recipe ➲Holiday Cake Recipe ➲ Fruit Cake Recipe and much more... You needAlphonso EBook Viewer to view this EBook. You will be prompted todownload it for FREE when you open EBook. You can also download itfrom Google Play at Visit Blog: EBooks Catalog:
Financial Derivatives EBook 1.0
Alphonso SoftTech
This is a FREE eBook on Financial Derivativesand Risk Management. This book covers various topics on finanacesuch as Derivatives (Forwards, Futures and Options), hedging,speculation, arbitrage, valuations (intrinsic value, time value),option strategies (butterfly, straddle, collar, iron condor,strangle etc.), option spreads (bull, box, calendar, ratio etc.),swaps, risks (market, liquidity, systematic etc.), types of options(binary, asian, exotic, vanilla etc.), Technical analysis and muchmore.You need Alphonso EBook Viewer to view this EBook. You will beprompted to download it for FREE when you open EBook. You can alsodownload it from Google Play at Blog: Catalog: out for more Apps and EBooks:
Programmation en Go 2.0
Alphonso SoftTech
Ce livre est une introduction à laprogrammation en Go. Go est un langage de programmation développéchez Google depuis 2007. Dans ce livre vous découvrirez commentécrire des programmes simples dans ce langage, et vous ferez untour des principales fonctionnalités du langage. Vous étudierezégalement quelques cas d'usage typiques pour bien prendre en maince langage.Ce livre s'adresse à des personnes ayant déjà des notions debase en informatique ainsi qu'en programmation et en ligne decommande. Toutefois, les algorithmes étudiés seront simplifiés aumaximum et expliqués dans le détail de manière à être accessibles àun bon niveau de Terminale S.Blog: Catalog: book is anintroduction to programming in Go Go is a programming languagedeveloped at Google since 2007. In this book you will discover howto write simple programs in this language, and you will make a tourof the main features of the language. You will also study sometypical use cases for well take over this language.This book is aimed at people who already have basic knowledge incomputer programming as well as command line. However, thealgorithms studied are as simple as possible and explained indetail so as to be accessible to a good level of Terminal S.Blog: Catalog:
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 2.0
Alphonso SoftTech
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve storiesby Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his famous detective andillustrated by Sidney Paget. The 12 stories in this collection are:➲ A Scandal in Bohemia ➲ The Adventure of the Red-Headed League ➲ ACase of Identity ➲ The Boscombe Valley Mystery ➲ The Five OrangePips ➲ The Man with the Twisted Lip ➲ The Adventure of the BlueCarbuncle ➲ The Adventure of the Speckled Band ➲ The Adventure ofthe Engineer's Thumb ➲ The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor ➲ TheAdventure of the Beryl Coronet ➲ The Adventure of the CopperBeeches You need Alphonso EBook Viewer to view this EBook. You willbe prompted to download it for FREE when you open EBook. You canalso download it from Google Play at Blog: EBooks Catalog: EBook Blog:
Billar 2.0
Alphonso SoftTech
El billar es un deporte que combinalamatemática, la física y la geometría con la habilidad delosdeportistas para lograr controlar las diferentes rotacionesymovimientos que describen las bolas sobre una mesarectangular,horizontal y plana forrada en paño y rodeada por unaestructurallamada «pasamanos» que en su parte interna presenta«bandas» de unmaterial elástico que es resistente a la deformación.Las bolas se impulsan mediante un «bastón» o «taco», paraquechoque directamente con otras, o contra las bandas, para lograrunfin determinado según el juego; existen principalmente dos tiposdemesas, el primero que cuenta con seis agujeros o troneras porlasque se introducen las bolas y un segundo tipo que no lastiene.Blog: Catalog: is a sportthatcombines mathematics, physics and geometry with the abilityofathletes to achieve control different rotations and movementsthatdescribe the balls on a rectangular, horizontal, flat tablecoveredin cloth and surrounded by a structure called "handrails" ontheinside that has "bands" of an elastic material that is resistanttodeformation.The balls are driven by a "stick" or "taco" to collidedirectlywith each other, or against gangs, to achieve a particularpurposeaccording to the game, there are mainly two types of tables,thefirst with six holes or slits through which the balls and asecondtype that has not introduced.Blog: Catalog:
Physics of Nuclear Medicine 2
Alphonso SoftTech
Basic Physics of Nuclear MedicineNuclear Medicine is a fascinating application of nuclearphysics.The first ten chapters of this ebook are intended tosupport a basicintroductory course in an early semester of anundergraduateprogram. They assume that students have completeddecent high schoolprograms in maths and physics and areconcurrently taking subjectsin the medical sciences. Additionalchapters cover more advancedtopics in this field. Our focus inthis ebook is the diagnosticapplication of Nuclear Medicine.You need Alphonso EBook Viewer to view this EBook. You willbeprompted to download it for FREE when you open EBook. You canalsodownload it from Google Play at Blog: Catalog:
Unix Commands 2.0
Alphonso SoftTech
Various Unix/Linux commands discussed related to systemadministration, networking, file editing and other general purposecommands etc.
Data Structures 2.0
Alphonso SoftTech
In computer science, a data structure is a particular way ofstoring and organizing data in a computer so that it can be usedefficiently. Different kinds of data structures are suited todifferent kinds of applications, and some are highly specialized tospecific tasks. For example, B-trees are particularly well-suitedfor implementation of databases, while compiler implementationsusually use hash tables to look up identifiers. Data structuresprovide a means to manage large amounts of data efficiently, suchas large databases and internet indexing services. Usually,efficient data structures are a key to designing efficientalgorithms. Some formal design methods and programming languagesemphasize data structures, rather than algorithms, as the keyorganizing factor in software design. Storing and retrieving can becarried out on data stored in both main memory and in secondarymemory. You need Alphonso EBook Viewer to view this EBook. You willbe prompted to download it for FREE when you open EBook. You canalso download it from Google Play at Blog: EBooks Catalog: Check out for more Apps and EBooks:
Cookie Recipes 2.0
Alphonso SoftTech
Free EBook on Cookie Recipes. Below Recipes you can enjoy: ➲Oatmeal Raisin Cookies ➲ Date nut bar ➲ Rum Truffles ➲ Rice Bubblecake Recipe ➲ Brown Sugar Brownies ➲ Holland Tea Cakes ➲ Date Barand much more... You need Alphonso EBook Viewer to view this EBook.You will be prompted to download it for FREE when you open EBook.You can also download it from Google Play at Visit Blog: Catalog: EBook Blog:
My Life And Work by Henry Ford 2.0
Alphonso SoftTech
My Life And Work by Henry FordThis book is the original autobiographical work by HenryFord,founder of the Ford Motor Company. In this book, Ford detailshowhe got into business, the strategies that he used to becomeawealthy and successful businessman, and what others can dobylearning from the examples he has outlined. This book shouldberead by small business owners, business students andthoseinterested in the history of the automobile. Henry Ford willtakeyou through a journey of history, business and lessons tobelearned from which he used to develop his financial empire.You need Alphonso EBook Viewer to view this EBook. You willbeprompted to download it for FREE when you open EBook. You canalsodownload it from Google Play at Blog: Catalog: out for more Apps andEBooks:
Apache Ant EBook 2.0
Alphonso SoftTech
Free EBook on Apache Ant.'Apache Ant' (or simply Ant) is an XML-based buildscriptinglanguage used heavily by the Open Source community. Antautomatestasks such as compiling source code, building deploymentpackagesand automatically checking dependencies of what items needto beupdated in a build set.You need Alphonso EBook Viewer to view this EBook. You willbeprompted to download it for FREE when you open EBook. You canalsodownload it from Google Play at Blog: Catalog: out for more Apps andEBooks:
Guitar EBook 2
Alphonso SoftTech
This is a Free EBook on Guitar. The aim of this book is tointroducebeginners to the basic concepts of the guitar and toprovide furtherstimulus for intermediate players. Importanttechniques are giventheir own sections with exercises and examplesprovided. It includesan extensive section on amplifiers andnumerous tips and advice onall aspects of the guitar. Music theoryconcepts are clearlypresented and explained. Topics covered: ➲Open Chords ➲ Arpeggiosand Sweep Picking ➲ Harmonics ➲ Lead Guitarand Rhythm Guitar ➲Harmonica and Guitar Combo ➲ Alternate Tunings➲ Hammer-ons,Pull-offs, and Trills ➲ Tapping ➲ Scale Theory ➲Intervals and PowerChords ➲ Vibrato Bar Techniques ➲ Flamenco ➲Bending and Vibrato ➲Muting and Raking ➲ Movable Chords ➲ TremoloPicking and much more... You need Alphonso EBook Viewer to viewthis EBook. You will beprompted to download it for FREE when youopen EBook. You can alsodownload it from Google Play at VisitBlog: Catalog: EBookBlog:
Human Physiology 2.0
Alphonso SoftTech
Free EBook on Human Physiology. Free EBook on Human Anatomy isalsoavailable ( ) Topics covered: ➲TheImmune System ➲ Integumentary System ➲ Reproductive system➲Pregnancy and birth ➲ Genetics and inheritance ➲ Therespiratorysystem ➲ The Muscular System ➲ Blood physiology ➲ TheUrinarySystem ➲ The Nervous System ➲ The endocrine system ➲Thecardiovascular system ➲ Nutrition ➲ Homeostasis ➲Thegastrointestinal system ➲ Senses ➲ Cell physiology YouneedAlphonso EBook Viewer to view this EBook. You will be promptedtodownload it for FREE when you open EBook. You can also downloaditfrom Google Play at VisitBlog: EBooksCatalog: EBookBlog:
Human Anatomy 2.0
Alphonso SoftTech
The human body is the entire structure of a human organismandcomprises a head, neck, torso, two arms and two legs. By thetimethe human reaches adulthood, the body consists of close to100trillion cells, the basic unit of life. These cells areorganisedbiologically to eventually form the whole body. Learn moreaboutHuman Anatomy in this free EBook. Free ebook on HumanPhysiology isalso available ( ) Youneed AlphonsoEBook Viewer to view this EBook. You will be promptedto downloadit for FREE when you open EBook. You can also downloadit fromGoogle Play at VisitBlog: EBooksCatalog:
European History 2
Alphonso SoftTech
Free EBook on European History. This ebook discovers the historyofModern Europe, starting at the Hundred Years War and ending atthepresent time. A chronological perspective of history isattemptedwithin this text. Although this is the case, it is alsoimportantto understand patterns within European History, thereforechapterswill attempt to cover a breadth of material even thoughtheirtitles might be that of a specific pattern in history ratherthan atime period. You need Alphonso EBook Viewer to view thisEBook. Youwill be prompted to download it for FREE when you openEBook. Youcan also download it from Google Play at Blog: Catalog:
Animal Anatomy and Physiology 2.0
Alphonso SoftTech
This is FREE ebook on Animal Anatomy and Physiology. Thisebookdescribes the structure of the animal body and the way inwhich itworks. Animals encountered in normal veterinary practiceare usedas examples where possible. The material is divided into16chapters: ➲ Chemicals ➲ Classification ➲ The Cell ➲BodyOrganisation ➲ The Skin ➲ The Skeleton ➲ Muscles ➲CardiovascularSystem ➲ Respiratory System ➲ Lymphatic System ➲ TheGut andDigestion ➲ Urinary System ➲ Reproductive System ➲ NervousSystem ➲The Senses ➲ Endocrine System You need Alphonso EBookViewer toview this EBook. You will be prompted to download it forFREE whenyou open EBook. You can also download it from Google Playat Visit Blog: Catalog: Check out for more Appsand EBooks: